Our FAQ’s have been broken down into different sections to help you navigate them easily.
If you can’t find the answer to your question, please use the form to ask us. Even if we don’t publish the answer on this page, we will still make every endeavour to respond to you.
We are very aware that commercial knitting mills are few and far between in Australia. We would love to raise awareness not only that our industry does still exist, but that it can also thrive and be a way forward for Australian made clothing.
For local folk, we can offer factory tours and answer your questions along the way. For everyone else, there is this page.
You can’t buy 100% wool socks that work as functional socks. The socks we have supplied to firefighters in the past are still 95% wool at best because without a bit of nylon, your sock won’t stay up.
The most accurate way to work out your sock size is to measure your foot.
How to measure your foot length:
No. Socks suitable for diabetics should be a loose fit and not have tight elastic.
Since the beginning of sock making at Interknit, we’ve made functional work socks for large contracts. We supplied the defence force with socks during WWII. As a result, our socks are made to stay up and be durable.
Due to the high risk of injury to a diabetic wearing the wrong type of socks, we recommend you source socks from reputable brands with medical approval, such as socks stocked by podiatrists and pharmacies.
If you’ve been balling your socks together to keep pairs together in your drawer, it’s time to change.
Socks should be matched (well, if you do that kind of thing) and then either laid flat or folded, not rolled over the other. This will help prolong the life of the cuff elastic in your socks.
We can make custom socks for your sports team with a coloured stripe or possibly even a team logo knitted in. Minimum order quantities apply.
We can add embroidery to your socks, small logos work best. Set up fees might apply and minimum order quantities may also apply. Make an enquiry through our garment decoration page for more information.
We can’t make socks in a different size, type or colour to what we already offer. While it’s physically possible, we fill very large commercial sock contracts and our machines are kept too busy.
If you need a speciality sized sock, contact our friends The Odd Sockery and The Sock Maker, both from Clunes. They hand crank socks and may be able to customise a size for you.